賛美せよ Come let us sing 찬양하세

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賛美せよ 楽譜
賛美せよ 楽譜


賛美せよ 賛美せよ 王に声上げ賛美せよ
賛美せよ 賛美せよ 王に声上げ賛美せよ

賛美受けるべきお方 いつも変わらぬ主
ひざまずき御名を叫べ イエスわが王
イエスわが王 イエスわが王 アーメン


Come let us sing 

Come let us sing (come let us sing)
Come let us sing (come let us sing)
Come with praise and adoration to the king
Come let us sing (come let us sing)
Come let us sing (come let us sing)
Come with praise and adoration to the king

For He is worthy of praise and He is Lord
Who was, and is and is to come
Every knee shall bow every tongue confess

He is Jesus Christ, He is Jesus Christ
He is Jesus Christ the Lord



찬양하세 찬양하세 왕께 소리높여 찬양드리세
찬양하세 찬양하세 왕께 소리높여 찬양드리세

찬양받기에 합당하신 주님 언제나 동일하신 주
무릎 꿇고서 주 이름 외치세 예수 나의 왕
예수 나의 왕 예수 나의 왕 아멘


・詞/曲:Danny Reed